Boards & Committees



Tax Assessor

Tax Assessor

Darlene Campbell
856-783-6655 ext. 149
Office hours are by appointment.

About Your Assessment

Property assessments are determined by the fair market value of the property (i.e. what a property would sell for on the open market between a willing buyer and willing seller).  Property assessments were established and certified by the County and State to be at 100% of market value during the last Revaluation in 2019.  The current year, 2023 Equalization Ratio for Gibbsboro is 82.89%.

Since all assessments are an opinion of value, the State allows for assessments to be within +/-15% of market value to be deemed correct.  Property owners who disagree with their assessment receive an annual Notice of Assessment on or by February 1st of every year and have from February 1st to April 1st to file an appeal with the Camden County Board of Taxation. The burden of proof is on the property owner to show that the property is overvalued and evidence must be provided.

The Camden County Board of Taxation accepts on-line appeals along with paper appeals. Please visit their website for appeal information and instructions.  Camden County Board of Taxation

Additionally, every October, all assessors file a list of properties that allows them to assess new construction, additions, renovations and other improvements to properties that have been completed in that calendar year.  To determine the Added Assessment, the property is valued in its totality at full market value (not just the portion that was added) then the existing assessment is subtracted. The improvement is valued as of the first day of the month following when it is substantially completed for its intended use.

Please note that the completion date, as determined by the Assessor, is not the same as the date of C.O., C.A. or construction office final inspection. Not scheduling a final inspection for your building permit does not delay the Added Assessment. Furthermore, not getting a permit does not prevent the Added Assessment. An assessment of an improvement is made regardless of whether there was a permit or not.

The Added Assessments tax bills are mailed in October and are due on November 1st. The deadline for filing an Added Assessment is December 1st.

Assessor’s Office Functions – Responsibilities

The Municipal Assessor and the Assessor’s Office have the statutory responsibility of maintaining property record data for all properties within the Township. 

The Assessor is responsible to the citizens of the municipality for the determination of the market value of all real estate within the township for assessing purposes. This is to assure uniformity of value and that the fair share of the tax burden is being distributed equitably.

The Municipal Assessor and the Assessor’s Office maintain tax maps and all property record information which is utilized for Ad-Valorem purposes.  Copies of recorded deeds can be obtained from the Camden County Clerk’s Office. 

Request for a copy of a Property Record Card must be submitted in writing.  You can email the request to the  be sure to include the block and lot number of the PRC you are requesting. 

Request for Ownership information and/or verification can be found on the Camden County Board of Taxation website. You can also view the County GIS system from their website.

The office also reviews and maintains all Property Tax Deductions (seniors, veterans, disabled), farmland applications, income and expenses statements.

Address Changes

Requests to change/update mailing addresses must be submitted in writing via regular mail or email to .  Changes will not be taken over the phone.

Tax Payer Bill of Rights

Taxpayers Bill of Rights can be viewed at Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights Enacted (

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where is the Assessor’s Office located? How do I contact the Assessor’s Office?

A: The Assessor’s Office is located in the Gibbsboro Municipal Building, 49 Kirkwood Road, Gibbsboro, NJ 08026. The office number is 856-783-6655 extension 149. Office hours are by appointment. To schedule an appointment please email

Q. I moved and need to change my mailing address. Who do I call?

A: Requests to change/update mailing addresses must be submitted in writing via regular mail, email or fax. Changes will not be taken over the phone. Change of address can be submitted to

Q. My taxes went up. Can I appeal my taxes?

A: No. Property taxes are the result of the local budget process and cannot be appealed. The tax rate is determined by the County Board of Taxation based on budgets submitted by the Municipality, County, Schools and Fire District. Generally, the rate changes annually.

Q. Can I appeal my assessment?

A. Yes. On or about February 1st, the assessor is required under N.J.S.A. 54:4-38.1, to notify every property owner of their assessment. A property owner who disagrees with the assessed value may appeal to the County Board of Taxation or before April 1st. (December 1 for ADDED and OMITTED ASSESSMENTS) Petition of Appeal forms are available online or by contacting the Camden County Board of Taxation at 856-225-5238.

Q: What determines my assessment?

A: Tax Assessments are based on the market value of your property. Real property is required to be assessed at some percentage of its true value. True value has been defined as the full and fair value of each parcel of real property, in the judgment of the assessor, it would sell for at a fair and bona fide sale on the assessing date. The assessing date is October 1st of the pretax year.

Q: Who determines the percentage of true value?

A: The Division of Taxation. Following a revaluation, all assessments must represent 100% of true market value as of the previous October 1st. The Division annually conducts a fiscal year sales survey. Every sale is compared individually to every assessment to determine an average level of assessment.

Q: If I file an appeal will my assessment automatically be reduced?

A: In 1973 the New Jersey Legislature adopted a formula known as chapter 123 to test the fairness of an assessment. If the ratio of the assessment to the true value exceeds the average ratio by 15%, then the assessment is reduced to the common level. However, if the assessment falls within this common level range, no adjustment will be made. Additionally, if the true value falls below the common level, the Tax Board is obligated to increase the assessment to the common level. To view the law and examples click the following link: Chapter 123 Common Level Range Definitions and Calculations (

Q. Can I get a copy of my recorded deed from the assessor’s office?

A. Generally no. The assessor’s office is only required to update their assessment list based on the type of deed recorded. However, copies of all recorded deeds are kept on file with the Camden County Clerk’s Office. You can contact them at 856-225-5326.

Q. Can I obtain a copy of my survey from the assessor’s office?

A. No. The only record the assessor is required to keep is the township’s tax map. The tax map is utilized by the assessor for identification of property locations only. The surveyor who did the original survey should have a copy or perhaps the title company that did your settlement would have a copy, depending on how many years ago you purchased your property. You might have to arrange for a new survey of your property to be done by a licensed surveyor.

Property Tax Deductions

The State of New Jersey, administered through the local municipal Assessor’s Office, makes available property tax deductions to qualifying property owners. Each deduction has specific qualifications/prerequisites that must be met and requires the filing of an application.  If you are unable to print these forms or have any questions regarding the forms, please feel free to email the Assessor’s Office at  for assistance.


Applicants can download and submit the PTD form and PTD-SI form, along with the applicable proofs listed below.


  • Must be 65 years of age or over as of December 31st of the pretax year
  • Must own and reside in the property applying for on or before October 1st of the pretax year
  • Combined Income of the Applicant and spouse (if applicable) cannot exceed $10,000. There are exclusions (Social Security benefits and/or Government Pensions) The Assessor will review the Income Statement and make adjustments
  • Proof of Income (copy of prior year State and/or Federal Income Tax Return
  • Proof of age is required (A copy of your Drivers License, Birth Certificate, etc)
  • Proof of residency is required (A copy of your Drivers License)
  • Surviving spouse must be 55 years of age or older


Applicants can download and submit the PTD form and PTD-SI form, along with the applicable proofs listed below.


  • Own and reside in the property applying for on or before October 1st of the pretax year
  • Be permanently and totally disabled as of December 1st of the pretax year
  • Combined Income of the Applicant and spouse (if applicable) cannot exceed $10,000. There are exclusions (Social Security benefits and/or Government Pensions) The Assessor will review the Income Statement and make adjustments
  • Proof of permanent disability (Copy of Social Security Award Certificate or Doctor’s note)
  • Proof of Income (copy of prior year State and/or Federal Income Tax Return
  • Proof of Residency is Required (copy of Driver’s License)

Continuance of these Deductions for each tax year after filing, the applicant must return an Annual Post Tax Year Statement to the Tax Collector’s Office on or before March 1st


Applicants can download and submit the V.S.S. form along with the applicable proofs (listed below).


  • Must own property on or before October 1st of the pretax year
  • Possess and provide the Assessor with a copy of an Honorable Discharge from Active Service (DD-214)
  • Copy of ID (copy of Driver’s License)
  • Surviving Spouse must attach copy of death certificate with application and certify that they have not remarried.

Continuance of this deduction continues from tax year to tax year without the necessity for further claim. The Assessor retains the right to verify that all original prerequisites continue to be met after the initial filing.


Applicants can download and submit the D.V.S.S.E. form with the applicable proofs (listed below).


  • Own and Reside in the property
  • Possess an Honorable Discharge (DD-214) from Active Service copy to be attached to application
  • Have and supply a copy of a U.S. Veterans Administration Certification of Service-Connected Disability of 100%
  • Copy of current Drivers License which indicates the property location as mailing address

Continuance of this Exemption continues from year to year without the necessity for refiling. The Assessor reserves the right to request a Certification of Continued Eligibility every one (1) to three (3) years.

Property Tax Rebate, Reimbursement, Deduction, Credit Programs

The State of New Jersey, administered and maintained through the Division of Taxation, provides for the following Property Tax Relief Programs. Detailed information regarding any of these rebates can be obtained by contacting the New Jersey State Division of Taxation.

Homestead Rebate Program Replace by Anchor Program

Property Tax Reimbursement (Senior Freeze)

Property Tax Deduction/Credit

Miscellaneous Links

Camden County Board of Taxation 

Association Municipal Assessors of NJ  –  List of NJ Certified Tax Assessors & more….

NJ Association of County Tax Boards –  Property Ownership Information (updated annually) and more…

NJ Division of Taxation – Tax Legislation, Property Tax Relief Programs & more…

Camden County – Deeds, County Stores, County Events, County Services & more…..

NJ Legislature –  General Legislative Information, Members, Laws and Constitutions & more…

Social Security – Replace cards, Apply for Benefits, Find Social Security Offices & more…..

NJ Council on Affordable Housing – Affordable Housing Resources, About COAH & more..

Camden County Sheriff Office –  Sheriff Sale info., Foreclosure Sale Bulletin & more..