Great Place to Live, Work, & Play Since 1714

Quick Guide
to Borough Hall

Monday to Thursday
9:00AM – 4:00PM

Tuesday Evening
5:00PM – 8:00PM

Friday 9:00AM – Noon

Borough Hall is open to the public.  Staff are maintaining regular office hours and are available by phone as well as by appointment.

Special Notice
Borough Council Vacancy

As a result of Mike MacFerren’s recent resignation we have a vacancy on the Borough Council for a new term beginning in January. The Borough Council has decided to fill the vacancy for the new term and will accept resumes from persons interested in filling the vacancy. Resumes should highlight prior government experience, expertise, length of residency, and a summary of what motivates your interest in serving on Council and how you might contribute to our town and government. The Borough Council meets monthly on the second Tuesday of the month at the Borough Hall. Resumes should be submitted to the Borough Clerk, Amy C. Troxel, at Borough Hall ( by December 31, 2024. Candidates will be considered at a January meeting of the Borough Council. The selected person will serve until the next general election in November 2025.


Phone & Email Directory

Borough Hall:

Police Emergency: 911

Police Non-Emergency:

Click Here For Full Phone & Email Directory

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